Bulk stock Single-faced Felt Conveyor Belt Cut Resistant Abrasion proof High Temperature Resistant Thickness of 2.4、3.2、4.0、5.5 beat365官方app最新版_bet体育365官网正规_365足球体育亚洲版

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        Current position:首页 > Products > Felt Conveyor Belt > Single-faced Felt Belt > Bulk stock Single-faced Felt Conveyor Belt Cut Resistant Abrasion proof High Temperature Resistant Thickness of 2.4、3.2、4.0、5.5

        Bulk stock Single-faced Felt Conveyor Belt Cut Resistant Abrasion proof High Temperature Resistant Thickness of 2.4、3.2、4.0、5.5

        Inquiry Now

        Single-faced felt conveyor belt

        Product advantages

        1.High conductivity

        2.Abrasion resistant soft texture used in the surface,ensure the flat of the 

        product during the transporting and cutting

        3.High impact resistance,prevent the product from injuring

        4.Good air permeability

        5.Heat resistant of 80~100℃


        Single-faced felt belt is used in transportation of film, calender,metal plate, casting

        Technical data