PU Timing Belt 8M Teeth Face Green Cloth Annular Conveyor Belt beat365官方app最新版_bet体育365官网正规_365足球体育亚洲版

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        Current position:首页 > Products > Green Cloth Timing Belt > PU Timing Belt 8M Teeth Face Green Cloth Annular Conveyor Belt

        PU Timing Belt 8M Teeth Face Green Cloth Annular Conveyor Belt

        Inquiry Now

        Product advantages

        1. Tension layer is whole core PU, better lateral stability.

        2. A great tensile strength,it is not easy to stretch.

        3. Bottom surface covered with green cloth, noise reduction,oil resistance.

        4. Glossy surface,good  anti-adhesive.


        Green cloth timing belt is widely used in printing,packaging, photovoltaic production line, conveyor, fusing press machine,food machinery, inkjet machine